Enthusify: March 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Improvements coming to Enthusify's listing creation form

After reviewing the results of 100s of listings and combing through feedback from 100s of sellers, we are introducing user interface improvements and tighter PayPal integration to the form users complete to create a listing.

New eBay supplemental search result feature coming

Across the Enthusify network, each day, buyers use Enthusify's keyword and advanced search tools to find items for sale that they are seeking. In the last week, members did nearly 2,000 searches. 

In an effort to help make your marketplace the most convenient, complete, and targeted for your site's focus, some of our partners requested a new feature that will deliver "best match" eBay results to a buyer if he/she does a search and there are fewer than 30 results (one full page of results).

Like nearly all features in Enthusify, this new feature will be optional.

Example: A member searches for "exhaust" on a marketplace for Porsche enthusiasts. The marketplace returns 8 results of items for sale from members and shows another 4 "best match" results from eBay.

See example below: